Designing a transaction app
This project focuses on developing a new application for an alternative banking startup, with the goal of improving the user experience for online banking transactions.
User Story: As a user of the banking application, I want a user-friendly and reliable platform that allows me to log in using my email and password, and easily transfer funds to my favorite accounts.
Objective: To develop a secure banking application, MyBank, that allows users to log in safely and transfer funds to their favorite accounts with ease.
Product Vision: To create an intuitive and user-friendly banking application that streamlines the online banking experience.
Secure Login: Users can access their accounts using their previously registered email and password on our portal.
Quick Transfers: Users can transfer funds to their favorite accounts with just a few clicks.
Sprint 1: Definition and Planning
① Form the Scrum team, including a Scrum Master, a Product Owner, designers, and developers. 
② Define the project scope and create the Product Backlog with key features, including the questionnaire and the prototype. 
③ Conduct a Sprint planning meeting and select tasks for Sprint 1.

Sprint 2: Questionnaire Development
① Work on developing the questionnaire to gather user feedback. Include questions about usability, security, and desired application features. 
② Review the questionnaire with the Product Owner and make adjustments based on their feedback.

Sprint 3: Application Prototype
① Focus on developing a grayscale prototype of the banking application. This includes the login screens and the fund transfer process. 
② Conduct a prototype review with the Product Owner and gather feedback for future improvements.

Sprint 4: Testing and Enhancements
① Conduct usability testing of the prototype with internal users and identify areas for improvement. 
② Work on necessary improvements to the prototype and adjust the user interface based on feedback.

Sprint 5: Final Development and Customer Journey Map
① Develop the final features of the application, such as the ability to add favorite accounts. 
② Create a Customer Journey Map illustrating the user experience when using the application, identifying key interaction points and emotions.

Sprint 6: Final Delivery
① Conduct a final product review and make final adjustments. 
② Deliver the application, questionnaire, and Customer Journey Map to the client. 
③ Hold a project closure meeting to evaluate project success and discuss potential future improvements.
​​​​​​​① How often do you use online banking applications? 
Response: Most surveyed users use online banking applications at least once a day to check their balances and make transactions.

② What features are most important to you when making transfers? 
Response: Speed and security are the most important features to users when making transfers.

③ What would you like to see in a new banking application? 
Response: Users desire an application with an intuitive interface, simple transfer options, and real-time notifications.

④ What issues have you experienced with previous banking applications? 
Response: Common issues include slow transfers, difficulty finding specific functions, and concerns about data security.

⑤ How comfortable are you with technology? 
Response: Most users are comfortable with technology and regularly use mobile applications.

⑥ Do you have any concerns about the security of your banking data in a mobile application? 
Response: Some users have concerns about data security, so they highly value security measures like biometric authentication.

⑦ What type of notifications would you like to receive from a banking application? 
Response: Users want to receive transaction notifications, security alerts, and balance updates.

⑧ Do you prefer using a password or biometric authentication to access your account? 
Response: Most users prefer biometric authentication, such as facial recognition or fingerprint, for accessing their accounts due to its convenience and security.

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