Design a mobile app that allows busy users to access free workout content from home.
CT WORKOUT APP was created in response to the growing number of sedentary individuals, a trend exacerbated by the 2020 pandemic, during which digital trainer Chloe Ting gained widespread popularity. A survey was conducted among university students, young adults, and mature adults to examine their daily activity habits and how exercise has been incorporated into their routines. The data collected was distilled into two user personas.
As part of the design process, a user story was developed: 'As a working college student, I want to exercise from home so I can improve my lifestyle and save money.' Additionally, a problem statement was crafted: 'Luci is a university student who works part-time and needs an app that helps her maintain a consistent exercise routine because she wants to lead a healthier lifestyle by incorporating regular exercise.'
• UX Design
• UI Design
The user’s navigation through the platform is defined by 5 main sections. As part of the qualitative design process, two storyboards, one big picture and one close-up, were created to outline and refine the user experience.
I began by sketching wireframes on paper, defining a 'happy path' to ensure users could easily access the trainer's content. After refining navigation details, I reached a solid result and proceeded to digitize the wireframes in Figma. Usability testing was then conducted with users to validate the prototype. Feedback led to improvements such as clearer tags and the addition of a sliding filter menu on the search page to provide more personalized and accurate results.
Following the design methodology, a high-fidelity prototype was created for validation with potential users. This testing resulted in a positive assessment of the application's usability, leading to several enhancements. Notable improvements included adding a settings button in the profile and 'save as favorites' buttons. Additionally, the Navigation Bar was defined with the following sections: Home, Search, Programs, Recipes, and Teammates. Lastly, the 'Happy Path' was refined to optimize the process of accessing a video within the application.

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